  • 期刊


Parameter Study for Structural Aseismic Evaluation



過去結構分析者在進行耐震研究時,有時為了簡化繁瑣的計算過程,會非常主觀地忽略某些因素的影響,例如:圍束效應、扭轉效應、P-△效應、彎剪互制、傾覆力矩影響……等等。 這些林林總總的因素,哪些對耐震診斷的影響不大可以排除不計,而哪些在被省略後會導致明顯的誤差產生,在本文中將逐項予以檢討。10個參數分別為: 1. 材料應變率效應的影響 6.L型與T型柱 – RC牆之有效翼寬 2. 截斷變位修正 7.平面扭轉的考量 3. RC柱之箍筋圍束效應 8.半剛性節點的考量 4. RC柱受雙軸彎矩之強度折減 9.柱構件P-△效應的影響 5. 撓剪互制效應 10.整體結構傾覆力矩的影響 文末則將上述十項因素依其影響程度做排序,並粗分為可忽略、不建議忽略、與不可忽略三類,以供未來進行建築耐震性能研究者之參考。


For simplifying the calculating procedure, the structural analyzer in the past neglected the influence of some primary parameters, such as confinement effects, torsional effects, and P-△ effects, etc. Which parameter could be ignored or not when evaluating the seismic ability of a RC structure is studied in this paper. The 10 parameters studied are as follows: 1. Strain rate effects in material strength 2. The modification of cut-off limit in Q-△ curves 3. Confinement effects in rectangular RC columns 4. Moment capacity drops due to biaxial bending 5. Interaction of bending moments and shear forces 6. The consideration of L-shaped and T-shaped columns 7. Torsional effects 8. The influence of semi-rigid joints 9. P-△ effects in columns 10. The influence of overturning moment to the structural behavior The suggestions of former questions will be made in the end of this paper objectively according to the results of analysis. At the same time, the 10 parameters will be catalogued into 3 groups: Neglectable, Not to Neglect, and Do Not Neglect.


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