  • 期刊


Dancing Frames-Works: A Speculation on Transgression in the Works of Bataille and Lu Li-Hwang (Interbreeding Field)


近年來台灣的地方正召喚新的建築形式,這「新」應是「未知」(the unknown),是直到當前還屬無名的、未及知曉的狀態,因此急需建立一種非功利導向、能夠正視差異與偏離的踰越性思維的方式。巴塔耶透過內在經驗的異質性探索,追問以理性為上的知識概念系統,重新揭露生命存有的無限可能性;針對台灣此時此地亟求變革的真實,巴塔耶的觀點暗示-提問方向,過度的系統性建構、過早的空間正式化或高級化,不必然是我們要的新建築。呂理煌與繁殖場強調「做中學、做中煉」,提出「移(易)殖」與「拓殖」兩個行動概念,他們以虛體框架作為踰越性策略元素,發展出一連串從「盒子-→棚子-→地-→天-→街」的異質性構成,顛覆一般房子的構成邏輯,像是交殖迷宮,可能是保存地方活力而又能帶出新意的途徑。


框架 踰越 異質性 迷宮 金字塔 繁易殖


Recently Taiwan has been calling for ”the new” architectural form. The new should be the unknown, of those so far unnamed, not yet recognized; and thus demands a non-utilitarian, transgressive way of thinking capable of confronting difference and deviation. Bataille questions the rationality-honored knowledge system through pursuit for heterogeneity in the inner experience, and re-uncovers the unlimited possibility for a live being. For the current demand for eager change in Taiwan, Bataille's viewpoint implies an attitude questioning the over-systematic construction, those too soon formalized or too chic, which might not be the new architecture we want. Lu Li-huang and his Interbreeding Field stress ”learning through making”, and practice with concepts of ”interbreeding” and ”interfering”. They apply ”frames-works” as transgressive and strategic elements to a series of heterogeneous works interacting with box, shed, ground, sky, and street. They, subverting the constructive logic of normal house, like interbreeding labyrinths, are probably approaches which are capable to preserve the local vitality and at the same time bring ”the new” idea.


Bataille, George,A. Stoeki(1985).Visions of Excess: Selected Writings 1927-1939.Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press.
Bataille, George,L. A Boldt(1988).Inner Experience.
Botting, Fred,Wilson, Scott(2001).Bataille.
Foucault, Michel,洪維信(2003).外邊思維.
Hollier, Denis(1989).Against Architecture: The Writings of George Bataille.
