  • 期刊


Development and Application of Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation Systems for Buildings in Taiwan




被動控制 隔震 減震 規範 應用案例


Applications of passive control technologies in Taiwan were very limited before the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, and have become more extensive after the earthquake. Based on the results of researches and developments during the last decade, the design formulas and computational tools are mostly readily available to the practical engineers for designing passively controlled structures. Passive energy dissipation devices, such as triangular steel plates, low-yield steel shear panels and walls, viscous dampers, viscous damping walls and viscoelastic dampers, have been applied to the new or retrofitted design of structures. For seismic isolation applications, seismic isolators such as lead rubber bearings, rubber bearings and sliding bearings have been applied to many buildings and bridges. The first official seismic isolation design code for buildings has been published by the government in April 2002, which encourages and facilitates the adoption of seismic isolation design for building structures. Furthermore, in 2005, the newly published seismic design code for buildings has been expanded from the previous version to include the structures with passive energy dissipation devices and seismic isolation systems. This paper summarizes the status of developments and applications on seismic isolation and energy dissipation technologies, as well as the development of the domestic design code. The contents of this paper include: (1) Developments of passive control technologies in Taiwan; (2) Status of applications of passive energy dissipation devices to new and retrofitted buildings; (3) Status of applications of seismic isolation systems to buildings; (4) Status of code developments for passive control technologies in Taiwan.


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