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Study on the Outer Wall Size of the Small Eastern Gate of the Taiwan Fu-Cheng


1915年位於台南而建於清領時期的台灣府城城垣小東門城的主城門及甕城被拆毀夷平,2009年夏秋在成功大學歷史系館東南側空地中,經由透地雷達的探測以及考古試掘,小東門城的部份基礎遺構出土。由出土遺構可以確認小東門城是一由主城垣及附加半月形甕城所構成。甕城城垣是以夯實三合土為基礎,其上再用珊瑚礁石塊(硓□石塊)以灰漿砌結而成。由於甕城基礎只有北端數米部份出土,無法一窺全貌亦無法知其規模及半月形城垣的直徑,因此本文乃收集清領及日治時期有關小東門城的地圖與照片,量測並推導甕城分佈範圍,最後再根據現場考古試掘出土遺構的位置,推估小東門城之半圓形甕城的外直徑,較現存大南門甕城之直徑40 公尺為大,顯示清領時期小東門城在府城防禦守備上可能較大南門城有更高的重要性。


台灣府城 甕城 小東門


In 1915, the small eastern gate of the Taiwan Fu-Cheng, which was built in Tainan during the Ching Dynasty, was destroyed. The ruin foundation of the small eastern gate was discovered through GPR detection and archaeological excavations near the Hall of the Department of history in the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan. The in-situ excavation validated that the gate was consist of a main stone-brick structure and a semi-circular outer wall. The foundation of the semi-circular outer wall consists of compacted soils covered by the blocks of corallite bounded with mortar. Since only a few meters of foundation at the north and were discovered, the size and the diameter of the semi-circular outer wall are hardly assessed. Therefore, the location of the semi-circular outer wall was evaluated using maps and pictures of the gate potted in the Ching Dynasty and the Japanese era. After comparing the discovered foundation to the maps and pictures the diameter of the semi-circular outer wall is roughly estimated, which is larger than the diameter of the semi-circular outer wall of 40m at the great southern gate in Tainan. Therefore, the small eastern gate may be more important than the great southern gate in military aspect of view during the Ching Dynasty.


王必昌( 1752)《重修台灣縣志》城池圖,臺灣銀行經濟研究室,台北。Wang, B. C.(1752) Revised gazelteer of Taiwan county, City map, Economic Research Department, Bank of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.
黃武達編(2006)。日治時期台灣都市發展地圖集。台北:南天書局有限公司=SMC Publishing。
