  • 期刊


Skeuomorph: Reading Surface Tile of Architectural Elevation during the Japanese Colonial Period




Although architectural design in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period was significantly influenced by the Japanese westernization, surface tiles, as a common surface material in Taiwan and Japan, were hardly found on architectural elevation in the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries in the West. This signifies the fact that, in terms of material use, Japan and colonial Taiwan did not directly imitate western material use. This research therefore considers surface tile use in Japan and colonial Taiwan as examples to approach a new possible viewpoint of the westernized process: the Westernization can be considered as a beginning of the transformation instead of a pronoun of unconditional acceptance.In order to understand the transformation of surface material use under the westernization of Taiwanese architecture, this research considers skeuomorph as the key concept. Skeuomorph provides a theoretical foundation to interpret ornamental morphology and to examine the diachronic transformation of surface material use and its cultural milieu and meaning in Taiwan, specifically within the major change of construction systems from brick to reinforced concrete.By doing so, this research could propose another cultural approach, differing from the conventional understanding, to re-consider the ideas of tectonics and skeuomorph. It is a two-way approach that shows the reflection on Western theories and builds a conversation between Western theories and Taiwanese empirical works. It is finally possible to provide an alternative understanding, which differs from the cliché based on Western theories and design approach, for architectural design and theoretical discussions.


Skeuomorph Architectonics Surface Tile


何肇喜建築師事務所(2003)。臺中火車站整體修護工程調查研究及修護計畫。台中市=Taichung:臺中市政府文化局=Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government。
林怡君(1998)。臺灣日期時期磚造建築立面構成之式樣化研究。國立成功大學建築學系=Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University。
陳正哲(1998)。日治時期臺灣地震災害對建築與都市發展影響之研究。中原大學建築學系所=Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University。
