  • 期刊


The Cultural Implications of the Fringe Belt Morphological Character in the Contemporary Everyday Life of Tainan




舊城 城牆 都市型態 日常生活 台南市


Since the city walls of Tainan were destroyed in the Japanese Colonial Period, the areas around the former walls had been developed with many public spaces such as schools and parks. As some remains of the walls can still be found in or around these public spaces, these spaces thus provide the opportunities for the meanings of the walls to survive in the contemporary everyday life of Tainan. Following some recent philosophical, architectural, and urban concepts, this paper suggests that, in terms of place-making, grasping the interactions between the city-wall remains and today's everyday life is as important as understanding the historical cultural values of the remains. Accordingly, this paper will explore the everyday life around the city-wall remains in those public spaces empirically, so as to suggest approaches to conservation of the city-wall remains in future urban development.


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