  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the House Types in Timor Island (Timor Leste and Indonesian West Timor)


帝汶島地處東南亞邊陲,種族數量眾多,民居類型相當多樣化。2012年初訪東帝汶,發現各種族普遍存在一種「雙屋民居」類型,為其他地方所未見。雙屋之Uma Nulik(神聖屋)內有祖靈、爐台、長者臥榻等,Uma Tidor(起居屋)供睡眠、起居、工作用。2014年本研究進行帝汶島田野調查,走訪14個種族之聚落與民居,測繪61棟民居並進行現場訪談,之後將27棟民居繪成3D立體構造圖並進行分析。研究結論:一、神聖屋與起居屋有四種組合形態;二、起居屋之空間、構造與造型有一致性兼具變化形式;三、神聖屋各種族不同,可歸納為六種空間基型;四、某些神聖屋類型可為不同種族共用;五、同一種族可採用各種不同的神聖屋類型。六、身處南島語族與巴布亞語族接壤處的帝汶島,不同語族的民居類型對於採用空間基型有特別的傾向,但是並非截然的分野,不同語族的民居類型之間也存在著交流與共享的情形。


Timor Island situates in the southeast end of Southeast Asia. The island accommodates many ethnic groups, which produce many diverse house types. As visiting East Timor in 2012, we found a type of "Pair-House" widely spread over the island. Uma Nulik, holy house, containing the ancestry soul, fireplace and elder's bed, and Uma Tidor, house for sleep, containing living, sleeping and working space, compose the Pair-House. In 2014, this research made a field survey in Timor Island and 61 house cases were measured, in which 27 cases were drawn into 3D construction models later. The research has revealed conclusions as follows: 1. There are four composition types of Uma Lulik and Uma Tidor. 2. Uma Tidors in every ethnic group were found consistency but with variations. 3. Uma Luliks were different in every ethnic group and can be induced into sixspatial basic forms. 4. Different ethnic groups may adopt a similar type of Uma Lulik. 5. Single ethnic group has adopted several different Uma Lulik types, shared with other ethnic groups. 6. Timor Island is the encounter region between Austronesian language groups and Papua language groups. Ethnic groups from the two language groups have their tendencies in adopting spatial basic forms, meanwhile, some elements of house types were shared or transported within different ethnic groups.


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