  • 期刊


The Fire Resistance Research of Exterior Wall Design and Perimeter Joint


本研究依據ASTM E2307-15b(判定層間塞的防火與阻熱性)與NFPA 285(判定外牆延燒)建置相關設備。研究內容包含燃燒器流率調整的校正牆試驗,以及兩種不同設計工法帷幕牆與層間塞的防火與阻熱性能。校正牆試驗的結果顯示,測試室內部與校正牆外表面的升溫曲線幾乎符合ASTM E2307-15b法規的規範,唯校正牆外部的第2點熱電偶溫度會高於ASTM E2307-15b法規的現象,原因為燃料性質差異造成火焰溫度分佈不同所致。試體A帷幕牆設計,主要材料為鋁擠型、玻璃、層間塞、鍍鋅鋼板…等;設計工法主要是以直橫料的工法為主,層間塞以岩棉與阻煙膠為主。整體試驗結果發現,鋁料在試驗過程會被燒毀,並且位於樑帶非曝火面處的鍍鋅鋼板會脫落,試驗時間48分鐘時,層間塞與帷幕牆交接處有非連續的火焰竄出,之後於52分27秒,該層間塞中心線上的溫度超過ASTM E2307-15b要求,因此判定層間塞的防火與阻熱性能於此時失效,但此試體A帷幕牆,則是通過NFPA 285在30分試驗內的各項要求。試體B帷幕牆設計,主要材料為鋁擠型、鋼擠型、玻璃、層間塞、鍍鋅鋼板…等;於窗戶開口部上方的橫料以鋼料為主。整體試驗結果,若以ASTM E2307-15b法規進行判定的結果發現,在2小時的試驗過程,帷幕牆牆體骨架與鍍鋅鋼板皆維持良好的固定,因此沒有發生火焰延燒至觀察室的現象,但因施工品質的因素,使得層間塞的阻熱性能未達60分鐘;此試體B帷幕牆的設計,通過NFPA 285在30分試驗內的各項要求。由試體A與試體B的試驗結果可知,帷幕牆的材料、設計工法會與層間塞的防火與阻熱性能有互相影響性,與層間塞連接的防護部位需要選擇具有防火能力的材料才能提升層間塞部位的防火與阻熱性。若帷幕牆的防火設計工法在試驗過程發生損壞,便會使層間塞的防火與阻熱性能失效。


This study was built the relevant equipment accordance with ASTM E2307-15b, and makes appropriate adjustments with reference NFPA 285 to testing the fire resistance of calibration wall or curtain wall. The results of temperature rise curve for the test room and calibration wall surface were accords the standard of ASTM E2307-15b with the number 8 test, but the number 2 point of the temperature of the calibration wall surface will be higher than the standard of ASTM E2307-15b. This phenomenon is caused by the different flame temperature distribution on the calibration wall surface due to the different fuel nature. The design of type A, the main materials are aluminum extrusion, glass, interlayer plug, galvanized steel sheet, etc.; interlayer plugs are mainly rock wool and smoke retardant. The overall test results show that the aluminum material will be fusions by the flame. At 52min 27s, the temperature on the center region of the perimeter joint exceeds the regulation of ASTM E2307-15b, so it is judged that the fireproof and heat-blocking properties of the perimeter joint fail at this time, but the type A curtain wall is passed the regulation of NFPA 285 with the test time of 30min. The design of type B, the main materials are aluminum extrusion, steel extrusion, glass, interlayer plug, galvanized steel sheet, etc.; interlayer plugs are mainly rock wool and smoke retardant. The overall 2hr test results show that the curtain wall and the galvanized steel plate were well fixed, and no flame spread to the observation room. However, due to the quality of the construction, the thermal resistance of the perimeter joint was less than 60 minutes. The design of the type B curtain wall passed the requirements of the NFPA 285 in the 30mint test. The results were shown the materials and design methods of curtain wall have an influence on fire resistance design of type A and type B. If the fire resistance design method of the curtain wall is damaged during the test, the fireproof and anti-thermal property of the perimeter Joint will be invalid.


Curtain Wall Flame Spread Fire Safety ASTM E2307-15b


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