  • 期刊


Integrated Thinking-Based Architectural Basic Design Education: An Example of Architectural Basic Design Course in National Cheng Kung University


由於當代科技文明的進展快速,而進入大學的學生也已經是數位原住民世代,因此建築設計教育的課程安排需要對技術發展之趨勢有更前瞻式的理解,並且對於學生的學習特質有深入的認識,以建構更理想的建築設計教育課程。基於整合性思維所發展的建築設計教育,有助於建構學習的系統性,以及課程安排的邏輯性。整合式思維所發展的建築設計教育將建築設計課程視為智慧型手機的作業系統,而非應用程式之一。因此建築設計課程應該為建築學習的核心教育,以連結學習者,教學資源,以及其他課程而構成建築專業養成的完整過程,就如同手機的作業系統連結手機硬體以及所有相關應用程式,才能夠讓手機達到最好的效能,並且發展出個人化的使用狀態。本文以成大建築系之建築基本設計教育的課程為例,說明近年來建築設計課程如何基於前述的理論架構所持續進行的辯證。此外本文也說明大一建築設計課程在建築教育系統中所扮演的獨特性,因此可以開展出來更多的討論與教學實驗,並於最後搭配案例說明教學方法如何承接教學辯證所累積的結果。本文運用詮釋性研究法(Interpretive Research),並基於研究者長期參與大一基本設計教學所累積的觀察經驗,以及對於建築教學的關注而形成之研究觀點。


In response to the rapid advancement of contemporary technologies and learning needs of digital native university students, architectural design education and curriculum must be arranged with a more forward-looking understanding of the trends in technology development. In addition, teachers should recognize students' learning characteristics to develop ideal architectural design curriculum. Therefore, developing the curriculum based on integrated thinking facilitates the structure of learning systems and logical arrangement of curriculum. The architectural design studio based on integrated thinking is compared to the operating system of a smart phone, rather than a software application. The architectural design studio should be the core of architectural education to connect learners, educational resources, and other curriculum so as to construct a comprehensive education process for students to develop professional architectural knowledge and skills. The architectural design education program of the Department of Architecture of the National Cheng Kung University was incorporated as an example to illustrate how architectural design curriculum facilitate their teaching dialectics according to the theoretical framework as described in this paper. This paper also presents the unique role of architectural design curriculum for new students in said architectural education system. Derived discussion and teaching experiments were integrated with actual cases of teaching to expound how the proposed teaching method extends the cumulative outcomes of teaching dialectics.Interpretive research method has been applied to this research, and the research perspective is based on the researcher's long-term participation in the basic design studio and the accumulated observation from the teaching experience.


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