



夜間遺尿 尿床 治療建議


The consensus and treatment guideline of enuresis of the study group of enuresis in Taiwan (SGET) is reported. This report is adopted from the published reports and the clinical experiences of the members of the SGET. The prevalence rate of enuresis in Taiwan is similar to that of the western societies. Cher reported 5.5%of the 8997 school children aged between 6 and 12 years had at least one episode of enuresis in the last month. Boys were affected twice common as girls. Diurnal enuresis was noted in 0.5% of the children. The prevalence rate of enuresis of various ages were as the following: 7y/o: 9.3%, 8y/o:6.6%,9y/o4.7%,10y/o3.1%,11y/o1.6%,12-13y/o0.6%. We recommend medical consultation at the age of 5 years and treatment at the age of 6 years. Evaluation of the enuretic children includes history taking, physical examination and laboratory investigations. Urinalysis, urine specific gravity and office ultrasound are essential tests in the first few visits. A checklist is provided for quick reference in the busy clinics. An algorithm is proposed as the treatment guideline of monosymptomatic enuresis. The two main options of treatment are behavioral modification-alarm therapy, and pharmacotherapy-antidiuretic hormone and imipramine. Imipramine is still recommended in the treatment of enuresis because of its relative safety in Taiwan. However, the potential toxicity of imipramine is highlighted and warned. Evaluation of treatment response is suggested after a period of 1-3 months. Extensive studies, such as urodynamic examinations, are suggested for refractory enuresis. Treatment strategies should be modified accordingly.


enuresis treatment guideline


