  • 期刊

Polyepitope DNA Immunization: Induction of Carbohydrate Cross-reactive Antibody Response with HIV gp120 Specific Cellular Responses


Protective immunity to many pathogens is based upon eliciting an immune response to carbohydrate antigens. The HIV envelop glycoprotein is highly glycosylated and thus, HIV-1 associated carbohydrate antigens are potential vaccine targets. However, the development of carbohydrate-based vaccines is severely limited by our inability to synthesize these complex structures in vitro. To elicit carbohydrate-directed immune responses, we have initiated a research program based on the ability of peptides to mimic carbohydrate epitopes. Targeting carbohydrates on the surface of envelope glycoprotein gpl20 could present new possibilities for group-specific vaccine development because they are present on all isolates. Using systematic approaches involving molecular modeling and phage display libraries, we are developing prototypic peptide mimeotope templates of HIV-1-associated carbohydrate antigens. We have shown that immunization with peptide mimeotopes of nominal HIV-1 associated carbohydrate antigens elicit cross-reactive antibody responses to HIV-1. In an attempt to further set strategies for the design and development of effective anti-carbohydrate vaccines, we converted the mineotopes to DNA sequences, immunized mice with generated plasmids and confirmed the induction of cross-reactive carbohydrate IgG with a predominance of IgG2a. DNA immunization with encoded mimeotopes primed for a booster reponse upon challenge with synthetic carbohydrate. The IgG component of the generated serum was reactive with glycosylated gpl20. The inclusion of a CTL epitope from the HIV-1 envelope protein in the expression cassette, and co-administration with IL-12 or GMCSF encoding plasmids, induced cellular responses to HIV-1 envelope. These results indicate the feasibility of combining an HIV-1 specific cellular response with a carbohydrate cross-reactive humoral response against gpl20 and that cytokine gene co-injection with the antigenic DNA selectively improves the immune response. These results define a novel strategy for future HIV vaccine development.


