  • 期刊


Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis




Two decades has been passed since the development of Atlanta classification of acute pancreatitis in 1993. The definitions of the severity are based on empiric description of occurrence that are merely associated with severity. With the advance of diagnostic modalities and therapeutic techniques, different outcomes have been noted in different subgroups of patient. The factors associated severity prediction is no longer suitable for clinical practice and the local and systemic determinants seem more realistic to reflect the severity status. Therefore, the new classification has been emerged recently by the consensus from multinational specialists. The new classification categorized the severity into 4 grades, i.e. mild, moderate, severe and critical according to the presence and combination of local and systemic determinants. The former includes peri- or pancreatic necrosis with or without infection and the latter transient or persistent organ failure. The acute pancreatitis is composed of two-stage clinical courses. The first phase is seen within first 1-2 weeks after onset and relates to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) resulted from autodigestion of the pancreatic enzyme. Vigorous fluid supplement is the most important. Prevention of infection from necrosis with antibiotics, probiotics or early enteral nutrition is controversial and need further elucidation. Endoscopic papillary sphincterotomy depends on the existence of severity of the biliary tract infection. Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) and bowel ischemia require early intervention. If infection of the peri- or pancreatic necrosis occurred in second phase, invasive treatment is required when supportive treatment fails. The so-called step-up approach is recommended with the following subsequent orders: drainage by percutaneous catheter drainage or endoscopic transluminal drainage, debridement by video-assisted retroperitoneal or endoscopic transluminal debridement, or finally by open debridement. The open method is reserved for the last till sufficient encapsulation and well demarcation of the necrosis. The role of the radiology and endoscopy in the diagnosis and minimal invasive treatment has gained its importance recently. Multidisciplinary treatment of the acute pancreatitis is the mainstay approach in current evidence-based medicine.


