  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

The Effect of Spatial Resolution on the Correlation Structure of GateⅢRainfall Fields







The present study uses a fine scale data set from GATE phase III to investigate spatial effects on rainfall characteristics and its lagged autocorrelation. Due to the finer structure of the present data set, the physical processes invloved for a shorter distance scale can be identified, which has crucial information in the estimation for the sampling errors of a rain field. It is found that for a rainrate less than 4 mm/hr, a 1 km by 1° and 4 km by 4° data set will not make any noticeable difference to accumulated rainfall statistics. This is directly implied by stratiform rainfall associated with the mesoscale circulation system. The rainfall within that physical region is continuous with a rainrate less than 6 mm/hr. A rainfall rate greater than 40 mm/hr contributes 20% to the total rainfall in 1 km by 10 data, in contrast to an 8% contribution from the 4 km by 4° data. The area-averaged processes suppress extreme rainfall considerably (the extreme would have come from the convective scale). The variance and the autocorrelation calculated in this study reveal that the slope of the variance and autocorrelation for a smaller scale are different from those estimated through a larger area data. This is an indication that the convective scale rainfall field caused this change, and the existence of a horizontal integral length scale for the shorter scale end is postulated. The implications of a horizontal integral length scale and suggestions for further research are discussed.


