  • 期刊


An Analysis on Luminance of LED Advertising Sign in Taipei


在光害議題逐漸受到各界重視之際,LED挾著發光效率高、可變色、動態呈現等優勢,逐漸被廣泛運用在招牌廣告上。然而,其所衍生之環境衝擊尚未被國內重視與瞭解,故本研究透過現況調查與解析,提供日後能有效控制光害與提升戶外照明品質之參考。本研究使用Konica Minolta LS-100輝度計依據招牌廣告之長寬比例、尺寸與均勻佈點原則進行輝度測量。調查結果顯示,台北市的LED招牌廣告有17%超過CIE150技術報告商業區標誌平均表面輝度最大容許值1000cd/平方公尺,且其輝度最高的類型之平均輝度平均值高達傳統燈箱式招牌廣告的四倍之多。其中又以燈源直接外露的LED招牌廣告因其傳遞訊息之特性,導致夜間輝度偏高,故應加強此類型招牌廣告依晝夜時段調控亮度的功能與輝度管理。


光害 發光二極體 招牌廣告 輝度


When the issues about light pollution were getting more and more attention worldwide, LED with high luminous efficiency, dynamic presentation and convenience of changing color was used broadly on advertising sign. However, the environmental impact causing by the LED advertising sign was not taken seriously in Taiwan, therefore this study provided some recommendations for LED advertising sign to prevent light pollution by the field measurement and analysis. The luminance measurements of advertising sign were taken by Konica Minolta LS-100 Luminance Meters, and according to the size and length-width ratio of the sign. The results showed that the average luminance of 17% LED advertising signs in Taipei were over the maximum permitted values of average surface luminance of CIE-150 technical report, 1000 cd/m^2, and the average luminance of the brightest type was four times higher than that of traditional internally illuminated advertising sign. In addition, the luminance of LED banner with light background, LED banner without light background and LED display board was much higher than the others. Thus, luminance adjustment of these signs and luminance management was necessary.


Light Pollution LED Advertising Sign Luminance


