  • 期刊


"Ishinpo"-the Oldest Extant Medical Classic, Ⅲ、the Transmission of the Transmission of the "Ishinpo"


醫心方是千餘年前日本醫家丹波康賴所撰寫的重要醫學典籍。它有系統的整理了隋、唐時代中國醫學在臨床各科以及針灸、本草、醫方、房中、食療、養生等方面的成就,引用了兩百餘種文獻,歸納成一萬餘項條文。從而使不少已散佚的中國古醫學文獻得以保存下來,彌足珍貴。 本文分三部分,第一、二部分已先後刊登在本誌第二卷第一、二期。本期則陳述醫心方之傳承、版本及傳至中國之始末,並就其編纂上的特徵和在日本醫學史上之意義論敘之。


醫心方 傳承 版本


The ”Ishinpo” is a major medical work written by Yasuyori Tanba over a thousand years ago. It is a systematic compilation of medical knowledge including acupuncture, drugs and drug formulas, sex regimen, dietary therapy, general health regimen of the Sui and T'ang Comprising quotations from over 200 medical references arranged in over 10,000 items, its value lies in the fact that it preserves a vast amount of medical texts drawn from books that have since been lost. This paper is divided into three parts, the first two of which appeared in the numbers 1 and 2 in volume 2 of the Journal of Chinese Medicine. The third part in this edition discusses the transmission of the Ishinpo and its various versions, the features of its compilation, and its significance in the medical history of Japan.


Ishinpo Transmission Versions
