  • 期刊


The Rhinoceros Horn: Myths, Facts and Future


本考察蒐集兩岸古本草及現代研究有關犀角之文獻資料歷代本草幾沿寶貴資料,卻被從事現代研究的後人,粗心的疏忽,導致研究結果與臨床使用無法吻合。茲例舉三點如下: (一)尋求成分時:不可因小失大 過去研究動植物有效成分時,往往把生物大分子有效成分當雜質除去誠屬可惜。犀角臨床使用上,先人皆取「生用」而今人卻用酸、鹼、鹽及加熱處理來抽提成分及研究藥理作用,如果最重要的主成分是酵素(Enzyme),它會因加酸、鹼、鹽及加熱而破壞,導致所得成分及所做藥理,與實際臨床療效,大不相同。是故犀角應尚蘊藏著極珍貴的寶藏,亟待我們去挖掘。 (二)確認療效時:必須尋根究底 古人用犀角它來解百毒,殺鉤吻、鴆羽、蛇毒、莨菪、箭毒等諸毒此等毒主要爲神經毒,故犀角可能爲神經毒之解藥,而其所解不明之熱;或許不是一般性感冒發燒之熱。又因其療效迅速,更佐證爲酵素(Enzyme)之可能性。是否與中樞神經、自主神經系統中各種神經傳遞物質,如(Ach. NE.. GABA PEPTIDE等)及其相關酵素(Enzyme),非常值得探討及深入研究。 (三)尋求替代品時:須掌握物以類聚 古人以爲“犀食百草之毒及眾木之棘刺,所以能解毒。犀角,犀之精靈所聚足,陽明藥也”;以上資料提供我們找尋可能替代品極寶貴之線索,如其他食草類獸角及其藥用部位的研究,如牛角、羊角、鹿角式退犀(即犀牛之蛻角)、表皮層、血液之成分藥理研究,是否有相同功效而可作爲替代品,則有關犀牛保育問題可迎刃而解。


犀角 絕種 保育 醫用 替代品


The rhinoceros has been threatened with extinction because of the decorative and reputed medical uses of its horn. Historically medicines derived from the rhinoceros horn has been used as a side spectrum antidote and antipyretic, Pharmacological effects attributed to the rhinoceros horn, as revealed by recent studies, include antipyretic, cardiac stimulant, vasodilatation, hypo-hypertension, increase in platelets and shortening of prothrombin time, antiepileptic and anticonvulsant, Toxicity includes convulsion and respiratory disorder and transient exophthalmos but the incidence is low although its use in pregnant women is cautioned. In response to the global call for its preservation the multi-pronged attack of forcibly restricting the wanton and illegal slaughtering, establishment of protective sanctuaries and breeding programs and the coordination of efforts of international biomedical researchers for the systematic analyses and evaluation of the medicinal uses of the rhinoceros horn and concerted search for substitutes is suggested.
