

山藥爲可供藥用之重要根莖類作物之一,具高產及富含營養之特色。由於分佈極廣,遍及全部熱帶、亞熱帶及其他地區,品種十分繁雜。其種原能否加加蒐集,實爲本省山藥研究發展與生產利用之首要工作。在眾多山藥種原中最具生產力的爲D. alata L、D. esculenta (Lour.) Burk、D. rotundata (L.) Poir、D. cayenensis Lam.及D. bulbifera L.;而枕本省而言,D. alata L.、D. alata L. var. purpurea (Roxb.) M. Pouch、D. japonica Thunb. var, pseudojaponica (Hay.) Yamam.及D. doryophora Hance亦具發展潛力。多年來台灣省農業試驗所即針對上述重要山藥種原,積極進行引種工作,至今已收集90品系,除了先行繁殖、觀察及進行農藝性狀與產量之調查外,同時另進行開花習性、細胞遺傳及同功異構酶電泳之探討與分析,並繼續進行早熟性、抗病或抗蟲性、成分分析及其他性狀之篩檢工作,以配合山藥選種或加工利用之進行。由於大多數山藥均不易開花,若有開花亦因其雄株或雌株具不孕性,不易生成種子,故傳統雜交育種工作極爲困難,一般以選譯育種爲主。本所利用選擇育種法育成山藥台農1號及篩選得到優良品系70W04,此二優良品種(系)共同具有31t/ha之生產能力、品質優良、適應性大、耐貯性佳及適合多元化加工及利用之價值,值得促銷推廣。其他山藥在本省栽培之塊莖產量可達12~40t/ha,較全球山藥之平均產量9.4t/ha爲高。


山藥 種原 育種 栽培 利用


Yam is one of the most important root crops due to its high yield potential and nutritional value. It is distributed in a almost every part of the tropics and subtropics and possesses a wide diversity in its genetic background. The collection of yam germplasm resources is particularly imperative to the successful research and usage of yam in Taiwan. A total of 90 genotypes belonging to the five most productive yam species in the world, i.e., D. alata L., D. esculenta (Lour.) Burk., D. rotundata (L.) Poir., D. cayenensis Lam., and D. bulbifera L. and the four promising species in Taiwan, i.e., D. alata L. var. purpurea (Roxb.) M. Pouch., D. japonica Thunb. var. pseudojaponica (Hay.) Yamam., and D. dolyophora Hance has been collected and propagated by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. A number of traits including agronomic characteristics, tuber yield potential, flowering habit, isozymes, disease and insect resistance, and chemical composition has been investigated on all or part of those genotypes. With the exception of a few species, e.g., D. rotundata, varietal improvement by conventional methods is difficult because of the low frequencies of flowering and seed-setting. Therefore, introduction and subsequent selection of the introduced germplasm have been adopted in the breeding programs. A new yam variety, Tainung No. 1 and a superior line, 70W04, have been selected for their high yield potential (31 t/ha), nutritional quality, wide adaptability, long shelf-life, and processing feasibility. An average tuber yield of 12-40 t/ha of other yams in Taiwan was produced, which was higher than the meaned tuber yield of 9.4 t/ha in the world.


鄭智夫(2017)。Monascus purpureus NTU 568 發酵產物對酒精性肝損傷及肝臟纖維化之保健功效評估〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201700799
王惠宣(2010)。紅麴山藥酒精萃取物對於大腸癌細胞 生長及轉移治療效果之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.01696

