  • 期刊


The Pharmacognostical Studies on Folkmedicine "Thang-Kau-Tin" from Taiwan


桶鉤藤(Thang-kau-tin)爲臺灣民間常用生藥之一,又名“扛香藤”、“石岩楓”、“鉤藤”、“糞箕藤”、“倒掛茶”、“桶交藤”、“桶溝藤”、“鹽酸藤”等,具驅風、解熱、鎮痛、止癢、殺蟲等作用,被用治關節腫痛、風濕痺痛、毒蛇咬傷,外用治跌打損傷,民間尚廣泛用來治療肝炎、肝硬化(上標 1-4)。 有關桶鉤藤之基源,據佐佐木舜一^1、甘偉松(上標 2-4)等人之調查,認爲係大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)植物扛香藤(Mollotus repandus (Willd.)Muell.-Arg.)之乾燥根或莖葉。但據著者收集市場品及現地調查,結果發現除上述植物外,尚有他種同名異物品在市場上被當作桶鉤藤來使用,其基源相當混亂。爲了究明臺灣市售桶鉤藤之基源,確保藥效及開發資源,而從事生藥學之研究。 經由生藥學之研究,確證市售桶鉤籐之基源爲下列植物:(1)大戟科(Euphor-biaceae)植物扛香藤(Mallotus repandus(Willd.)Muell. -Arg.)的莖部或根、莖之混合物;(2)豆科(Leguminosae)植物菊花木(Bauhinia championii (Benth.)Benth.)之莖部粗大的藤;(3)茜草科(Rubiaceae)植物臺灣鉤藤(Uncaria hirsute Haviland)帶鉤之莖枝;(4)鉤藤(U. rhynchophylla (Miq.)Jacks.)帶鉤之莖枝。


”Thang-kau-tin”, a folk medicine of Taiwan, has been used as an insecticide, to stop itching and as remedy for fever, rheumatic arthritis, snake-bite, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. To clarify the origin of ”Thang-kau-tin” on Taiwan market, the pharmacognostical study was made. By means of a thorough investigation and employing anatomical studies, it has been demonstrated that the origin of ”Thang-kautin” on Taiwan market is derived from the following species: (1) the stem or the mixture of stem and root of Mallotus repandus (Willd) Muell.-Arg. (2) the stem of Bauhinia championii (Benth.) Benth. (3) the stem with hooks of Uncaria hirsuta Haviland and (4) the stem with hooks of U. rhynchophylla (Miq.) Jacks.
