  • 期刊


Studies of Angelica Pubescens and Notopterygium Incisum on the Central, Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects


獨活與羌活最早載於錄於神農本草經草部上品,當時羌活被列於獨活項下,自唐之藥性本草兩者始分開敘述。臺灣市售的獨活和羌活之品種係繖形科植物。獨活爲毛當歸即香獨活Angelica pubescens M(下標 AXIM);而羌活則爲Notopterygium incisum T(下標 ING)。由歷代諸家典籍中可見其常被用於鎮痛、抗炎等袪風勝濕之療效。由獨活與羌活之粗抽取物對於鎮痛、抗炎及抗痙攣的實驗中顯示,兩者對於醋酸所致之疼痛均有抑制作用,而對hexobarbital之睡眠時間也有延長之現象,並可抑制carrageenan所致之浮腫。但在抗痙攣方面,兩者則顯現有些許之差異。至於獨活之甲醇粗抽取物、氯仿層均顯現對於醋酸所致之疼痛有鎮痛效果,並可延長hexobarbital的睡眠時間。對於picrotoxin,strychnine所致之痙攣有抑制作用;且可抑制formalin及carrageenan所致之浮腫。 由以上的結果,印證了獨活與羌活在中醫臨床上之應用於袪風勝濕之療效,而且兩者在作用強度上確實有幸程度之差異。臨床上兩者併用於鎮痛、抗炎之治療應可發揮協同作用。


獨活 羌活 中樞神經系統 鎮痛 抗炎


Angelica pubescens (AP) and Notopterygium incisum (NI) were well known in the Chinese traditional medicine. In ancient times, NI was considered and described as AP in Shen-Nung-Pents'ao-Ching (神農本草經). However, since the literature of Yao-Hsing-Pents'ao (藥性本草), NI was distinguished from AP in Yao-Hsing-Pents'ao (神農本草經). They have traditionally been used for rheumatism and analgesia. In this study, we intended to investigate their pharmacological effects on the central nervous system, analgesia and anti-inflammation. The following results were obtained. 1. The crude extracts of AP, NIA (NI rhizoma) and NIB (NI root) markedly inhibited the acetic acid-induced writhing response in mice. They prolonged the sleeping time induced by hexobarbital and inhibited the edema evoked by formalin and carrageenan. However, anticonvulsion is partially different among them. 2. The methanol-, chloroform-extracts of AP could inhibit the nociception produced by acetic acid in writhing response. They prolonged the sleeping time induced by hexobarbital and inhibited the convulsion induced by picrotoxin and strychnine. The edema evoked by formalin and carrageenan was also inhibited by them. These results supported the clinical application of AP and NI for treatment of inflammation and algesia.
