  • 期刊


Development, Current Status and Future Prospects of Orthopaedic Positional Realignment by Immobilization-A Successful Amalgamation of Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Wisdom


以中醫正骨爲基礎的中西醫結合治療骨折起步於1958年,是吸收現代醫學解剖、麻醉、X線等項技術發展而成的新技術。 由於引入力學研究成就進入這一領域,使固定材料規範化、系列化;固定指標客觀化;固定機理理論化;因而這一新技術,在大陸得以廣泛推廣與普及,可視爲第一階段。 髓疾病譜的改變和人們文化素質與物質水平的提高,以中西醫結合治療骨折爲基礎發展起來的中國骨折復位固定器療法始於1976年。它,提出的治療原則: 一、無損傷正確復位 二、非侵入彈性固定 三、無痛性功能活動在治療手段上四個結合即: 一、整復:要手法與器械結合 二、固定:要穿針與壓板結合 三、鍛煉:要主動與被動結合 四、用藥:要內服與外敷結合 因而在治療範圍上,由過去僅限於閉合骨折發展爲開放骨折、複雜骨折、陳舊骨折、關節內骨折、肢體畸形矯治與骨病等方面,療效也有所提高,療程亦有很大縮短,此可視爲中西醫結合骨科研究的第二階段。 展望未來,中西醫結合骨科祇有不斷吸收其它自然科學的新成就,新理論,才可不斷充實與發展自己的學術思想內涵,祇有應用新技術,才可不斷提高療效;擴大適應癥。在治療手段上減少創傷、無痛,才能不斷取得新進展,更好的爲人類健康事業,做出中華民族醫學領域的新貢獻,才是中西醫結合骨科的發展方向。 本文以綜述形式扼要地論述了骨科中西醫結合的發生、發展過程。


An innovative technique combining the clinical wisdom of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines for the treatment of bone fractures was initiated in 1958. Although based largelyon positional correction techniques in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the technique also incorporates the latest developments in anatomy, anaesthesiology and X-ray technology. To meet the changing disease patterns and elevated cultural and living standards and of the general populace, the Traditional Chinese and Western medicines based Chinese bone fracture immobilization treatment was established in 1976. The treatment goals are: 1. Correct positional realignment without undue trauma 2. Non-invasive immobilization 3. Painless functional execution The four guiding principles in the complementation of treatment techniques are 1. Restoration: complementation of skill and instruments 2. Immobilization: complementation of suturing and compression devices 3. Rehabilitation: complementation of active and passive exercises 4. Drug therapy: complementation of systemic and topical therapeutics The therapeutic application has accordingly been expanded from the old open fractures, compound fractures to treatment of old fractures, joint fractures and correction of limb deformities. Effectiveness is greatly enhanced and treatment periods shortened. Looking into the future, while the considerable clinical success of this joint East-West orthopaedic technique has lent support to the concept of joint development and utilization of East-West medical wisdom, the challenge is still formidable. In the face of changing needsand fast pace of advancement in related science disciplines, this and other related techniquesmust be constantly reviewed and upgraded. Expansion of the scope and applicationand improvement of techniques can only be achieved by incorporating the newestdevelopments in related sciences. The defined objectives are minimization of pain and trauma and improvement of therapeutic efficiency. The general goals are contribution to the health management of the general populace, opening of new vistas and expansion of the art and philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine. This article concisely and precisely chronicles the birth, growth and maturation of a joint Chinese traditional and Western orthopaedic technique.
