  • 期刊


The Therapeutic Experience of Post-Operation Intestinal Adhesion in Children with Chinese Medicine-A Case Report




Many etiologies could lead to intestinal adhesion, including pelvic inflammatory disease, appendicitis, or post-radiology therapy, etc. However, the abdominal surgery is the most common reason to induce intestinal adhesion. Herein, we reported a pediatric case of post-operation intestinal adhesion which presented as abdominal distension and pain. This boy suffered from small bowel necrosis due to intussusception when he was four-year-old. He received small bowel resection surgery, then short bowel syndrome was diagnosed before long. The severe diarrhea and nutrition deficiency improved after western medical administration with intravenous dripping. He was able to eat and recovered gradually. But recurrent abdominal distension and pain were noted frequently when he was nervous or inadvertent food intake. The young boy visited pediatric outpatient clinic and emergent room often due to recurrent abdominal symptoms. The complication as intestinal adhesion was impressed. The symptoms and signs of intestinal adhesion treated with western medicine still attacked recurrently so that he was brought to our Chinese medicine clinic for further investigation. Based on the Chinese medical differential diagnosis, we confirmed that he has disharmony of liver and spleen, deficiency of spleen and stomach and food stagnation. Therefore, traditional Chinese prescription of Xiang-Sha-Liu-Jun-Zi-Tang, Sini San, and Ma-Ren-Wan associated with health education, such as food choice, mood control and lifestyle modification was given. The recurrent symptoms and signs improved dramatically after approximately one month TCM treatment without any western medical assistance. Altogether, it is valuable to use the TCM methods of Shu-Gan-Jian-Pi (soothing liver and strengthening spleen), Xin-Qi-Zhi-Tong (promoting qi movement and reliving pain) and Xiao-Dao-Kuan-Zhong (resolving food stagnation and soothing the middle) in the patients with post-operation of intestinal adhesion.
