  • 期刊


Effect of Electroacupuncture at Zusanli and Shangiuxu for Qi and Blood Shifting


背景:現今教科書將「虛實」解釋為證型、症狀之總括,認為其為獨立的事件。《內經》中提出了「氣血傾移」造成「虛實相鄰」,「虛」與「實」並非獨立的兩事件,而是同時存在於身體不同部位的兩相關事件。在針灸臨床實踐中,了解氣血分布的狀態與治療處方對氣血傾移的效應是至關重要。傳統中醫藉由望聞問切來診斷氣血的分布狀態,但難以用現代儀器以參數值呈現,然而現代醫學的生命徵象或可作為氣血分布狀態的初步評估指標。本試驗目的在於評估電針刺足三里上巨虛穴位組對氣血傾移的效應。方法:本試驗一共納入了46位準備接受泌尿道內視鏡手術的受試者,隨機分為電針刺組與假針刺組各23位,接受30分鐘的針刺介入。於針刺前後量測心率、血壓與中心體溫。結果:電針刺組針刺後體溫的上升與假針刺的比較有統計上的意義(p =0.007)。結論:生命徵象參數或可作為氣血分布傾移狀態的初步評估參考,電針刺足三里上巨虛穴位組對於氣血傾移至體腔可能有一定的效應。


Background: Qi and blood shifting make repletion and vacuity coexisting in different sites of the human body. In clinical practice of acupuncture, being aware of both the condition of qi and blood distribution and effect of treatment modalities on qi and blood shifting are very important. Traditional Chinese medicine physicians diagnosed qi and blood distribution by four examinations, however, vital signs may be an initial evaluation for qi and blood distribution. The present study evaluated the effect of electroacupuncture at both Zusanli and Shangiuxu for qi and blood shifting. Method: This prospective and randomized controlled study analyzed the data from 46 patients undergoing urological surgery. The patients were randomly allocated to receive either placebo acupuncture (Group P, n=23) or electroacupuncture (Group EA, n=23) for 30 min. Heart rate, blood pressure, and tympanic temperature were recorded before and after acupuncture intervention. Results: The increase in tympanic temperature was more for Group EA patients than Group P, with the difference being statistically significant. Conclusions: Vital signs may be an initial evaluation index for qi and blood distribution. Effect of electroacupuncture at both Zusanli and Shangiuxu for qi and blood shifting was to drivie the qi and blood from exterior inward to interior of the human body.
