  • 期刊


Pathogenesis and Prevention of Breast Cancer in Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine




中醫 乳癌 病因 病機 預防


This paper is an attempt to explore the pathogenesis of breast cancer from the viewpoint of both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine (WM), comparing the similarities and differences. TCM believes that the most important cause of breast cancer is of emotional origins, whereas there is no consensus from the WM perspective on whether there is a correlation between emotions and breast cancer. WM believes that the factors that contribute to breast cancer include uncontrollable ones, such as age and genetic characteristics, and also controllable ones, such as hormonal supplementation, radiation exposure, body weight, and alcohol consumption. As for whether diets are related to breast cancer, a few TCM literature do mention that fatty diet is one of the causes of breast cancer, but the number of such literature is limited. Most of the WM research shows that the occurrence of breast cancer does not correlate with dietary compositions. In terms of TCM location of the disease, the direct disease locations of breast cancer are the stomach, liver, and gall bladder meridians. Both thoroughfare vessels and conception vessels also have direct impacts on the qi and blood flow of breasts. In terms of TCM characterization of the disease, breast cancer is considered to be the formation of phlegm nodes resulted from meridian qi stagnation. Synthesizing ancient and modern literature, the main TCM pathogenesis of breast cancer comprises emotional issues, liver qi obstruction, meridian qi stagnation, and the formation of phlegm nodes. In addition, the inadequate engendering and transformation of nutrient qi and defense qi would lead to meridian qi deficiency, which would then worsen the pathogenesis of meridian qi stagnation. In terms of reducing the occurrence and preventing the recurrence of breast cancer, weight management and exercising, including common exercises and TCM health regimen exercises, are of great importance. Additional ways for breast cancer reduction and prevention include reducing post-menopausal hormone supplementation, minimizing radiation exposure, regulating alcohol intake, minimizing the consumption of acidic and overly-surgery foods, and choosing more pungent, sweet foods and lightly-flavored foods. Minimizing anger, melancholy, anxiety, and defatigation as well as maintaining an optimistic and open-minded outlook are also influential considerations.


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PDQ® Screening and Prevention Editorial Board. PDQ Breast Cancer Prevention. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Updated <12/16/2015>. Available at: http://www.cancer.gov/types/breast/hp/breast-prevention-pdq. Accessed <06/22/2016>.[PMID: 26389323]
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