  • 期刊


Skill Integration in An EFL Writing Classroom




The teaching of English writing in Taiwan has always been a challenging task for teachers. Due to students' limited English writing ability in general, English teachers feel that they need to cover all the important elements of writing including genres and organization, specific sentence patterns used for different genres, grammar and vocabulary. Because teachers are preoccupied with too much content they need to teach in a writing classroom, students end up often doing seated work and, as a result, feel bored and lose their enthusiasm for writing. To increase students' incentives for writing, teachers can incorporate into English writing classroom integrative activities, which require students to use different English language skills. In this paper, five different integrative activities are suggested based on the author's teaching experience in a freshman English writing classroom. These activities include writing up a reader theater play, poster presentation and process writing, writing a persuasive letter to our school Principal, movies and argumentative writing and debates and argumentative writing. At the end of the paper, the principles of designing integrative activities are provided for successful skill integration in an English writing classroom.


skill integration genres group collaboration


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Oxford, R. (2001). Integrated skills in the ESL/EFL Classroom. Eric Document ED456670. Retrieved from http://www.ericdigests.org/2002-2/esl.htm
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