  • 期刊


The Value and Practice of Pedagogical Translation in Secondary School English Teaching


本文之目的,在探討我國中學英語教學環境中,中文翻譯應有的價值與定位。本文將先就「翻譯教學」與「教學翻譯」兩者之意涵加以區別,再從英語教學各種方法中,討論母語的價值和以翻譯作為英語學習方法的可行性,並且就中學英語課程中可行的翻譯活動作法,提出建議。本文主要的論點及發現如下:一、翻譯教學(translationpedagogy)與教學翻譯(pedagogical translation),不論目標層次,教學對象,進行方法等都大不相同。對中學生而言,應該實施的,是教學翻譯,以提升其英文學習的效果。二、所謂文法翻譯法或已不符現代需要,但是許多創新的英語教學法中,仍然肯定母語和翻譯的重要作用。三、學生外語學習必須考慮主觀的認知發展以及客觀的學習環境;由此兩方面來看,在臺灣的英語教學,必須認清條件限制,沒有排斥母語介入輔助的理由。四、優秀的本國英語教師通曉中英雙語,真正了解學生的困難與需求,更應深入研究兩語言間的共通性與差異性,作為教學設計的基礎,這是外籍教師無法比擬或取代的專業能力。五、要進行教學翻譯,並非重回文法翻譯法的刻板單調作法,而是從培養語文意識、有效教學活動、正確測驗評量三方面進行,如此可以發展出教學翻譯的種種具體作法,有效嘉惠學生。六、教學翻譯的活動,目標是幫助學生掌握中英語文的差異性,不但英文不會產生中文式錯誤,中文更要確保正確的用法,不可產生英式中文的謬誤。


This article explores the role of translation in the teaching of English as a foreign language in secondary schools. It starts with a distinction between the concepts of translation pedagogy and pedagogical translation. Then it discusses the values and the feasibility of using mother language in foreign language teaching, and finally, it provides suggestions on the implementation of pedagogical translation in EFL teaching in secondary schools in Taiwan. The major findings and arguments presented include: 1.For secondary school English teaching in Taiwan, pedagogical translation is practical in helping the students enhance their English competence. 2.The value of mother language and translation is not denied even though the practice of strict Grammar Translation method is no longer widely accepted. 3.Considering the subjective and objective conditions of the EFL students in Taiwan, the proper incorporation of the mother language, Chinese, in the learning process is desirable and necessary. 4.EFL teachers with native Chinese background have bilingual competence and possess the advantage of discerning the universals and differences of the two languages for the implementation of pedagogical translation. 5.Instead of resuming the strict Grammar Translation method, the implementation of pedagogical translation needs to foster correct awareness of the two languages involved, to design and conduct effective activities, and to give valid evaluation and assessment. 6.The purpose of implementing pedagogical translation is mainly to help the students produce correct English (or to avoid producing Chinese English), but of equal importance, also to avoid producing English Chinese.




Hsu, H. W. (2017). 臺灣英語學習雜誌之翻譯目的暨策略分析 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701031
