  • 期刊


Becoming a Role Model for Adolescents Social and Emotional Learning: A New Perspective of Parent-teacher Cooperation in The Post-Pandemic Era


教師社會情緒學習(Social Emotional Learning, SEL)近年來隨教育政策的變革,成為萬眾矚目的焦點,本文以將疫情肆虐的時空背景,探討親師合作的困境與時代意義,並以國際社會推動情緒學習的熱潮與師資培育的革新趨勢,闡明培養社會情緒學習理論應用於親師合作的重要價值與原則,包含:(一)培養教師與家長的社會情緒能力,協助兩者能覺察自身狀態並尊重彼此差異,透過適當的關係技巧找到合作目標;(二)校園領導者與教師共同建立友善、尊重的溝通環境,做出負責任的決策;(三)教師能夠對自身面臨之困境有所覺察、適當管理情緒並找到解決方法;以及(四)建立適當的社會情緒學習績效指標,做為教師專業成長與學校自我評鑑的指引。期望社會情緒學習理論能有效提高親師合作品質,促進青少年對學校的認同,並於潛移默化中陶冶全人發展和社會關懷的核心素養。


With education reform, parents participating in their children's learning and school affairs has become normal. Especially after the pandemic, teaching has transformed from in-class learning into cloud-based learning. Teachers endeavors to catch up with digital technology. The greater challenge is that teachers have to directly cooperate with parents after the barriers of physical classrooms breaking down. Although many empirical studies showed that it improved the cooperation between parents and teachers, there are many conflicts and difficulties in the process of parent-teacher cooperation. In general, cooperation between parents and teachers became the greatest challenge for teachers with the increasing awareness of child protection. Therefore, teachers' social emotional learning has become a critical issue. This article explores the parent-teacher cooperation and the trends of promoting Social emotional learning to explain the value and principles of cultivating teachers' social emotional ability. The principles include: (1) Cultivating the social emotional abilities of teachers and parents to find the goals of cooperation through appropriate relationship skills. (2) Campus leaders and teachers should jointly establish a friendly and appropriate communication environment. (3) Teachers should be aware of the challenges, manage them properly, and find solutions. (4) Establish appropriate performance metrics for social emotional learning for teachers' professional growth and school self-assessment. It will improve the quality of parent-teacher cooperation effectively if we actively cultivate the social emotional competence of teachers, student teachers in pre-service education, and even schools systematically integrated social emotional learning programs.


