  • 期刊


Users of Taiwan Natural Resources and Their Responsibilities for Local Environmental Degradation: A Concept of Ecological Footprint



永續發展是目前大多數國家認同的努力方向。為落實此一目標,許多研究進行永續發展量度指標之建構,並且嘗試應用在個案地區,探討該地區之發展是否偏離永續,生態足跡(ecological footprint)就是其中的一項指標。生態足跡一直被用來量度一地區局民維生所需不同性質及功能的土地及水域面積,表達這個地區居民對地球環境資源的實際利用量與應有的需求程度。本研究採另一個思考角度:應用生態足跡觀念剖析一地區環境資源是被那些群體利用了,即環境資源利用者結構分析。換言之,生態足跡以往的應用著重在一地區居民影響性質及範圍的探討,而本研究則探討一地區被利用的環境資源是屬於那些群體的生態足跡,有助於初步檢視造成一地區環境資源耗損或環境品質惡化責任的可能歸屬。本研究首先以一假設地區資料說明如何應用投入產出分析中的乘數解析矩陣,估算一地區產業部門產業用地、以及產業製程釋出污染物所需淨化功能之利用,分屬於貢獻區內與區外居民之比例。接著,以台灣地區為個案,就民國65、70、75、及80年四個時間點,進行產業用地以及森林資源二氧化碳淨化功能負荷來源的結構分析。估算結困可提供初期檢視臺灣地區環境資源質量惡化中與產業活動有關責任的可能歸屬,可供未來在調整產業政策或進出口貿易政策中,考量減緩環境資源質量損耗情形之參考。


Ecological footprint, a measure of sustainability, represents the areas of land and water required to produce the goods and services for satisfying the human activities of a defined economy and to provide environmental assimilation capacity for keeping its environmental quality at a given level. This index has been widely used to examine whether an economy is toward sustainability by comparing the estimated areas of land and water required for sustaining the population of a defined economy and the area occupied by that economy. This paper, however, applies the concept of ecological footprint, from a different perspective, to explore the responsibility of environmental degradation of an defined region. The flows of production products recorded in the input-output tables of Taiwan in 1976, 1981, 1986, and 1991 were used to explore the contribution of her production lands to domestic and foreign residents, and foreign residents, and to estimate the percentage of the CO2 emissions accompanied with the products for domestic final demands and exports. The estimated results may serve as a preliminary examination on the responsibility of environmental degradation in Taiwan from the perspective of footprint owners.


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