  • 期刊


An Exploration of Environmental Problems from the Biophysical Perspective and Systems Thinking--A Case Study of Chung-Kang River Water Quality and Quantity



目前吾人面對之環境資源質量耗損惡化問題,主要導因於長期以來人類利用生態環境之資源提供及廢棄物承納功能的程度,遠超過生態體系的供給能力,屬於相對規模不當的問題,因而較不適用已成功運用於解決效率及公平問題之市場價格與所得重分配機制,而須從較能適切反映規模概念的生物物理觀點著手。另一方面,人類社會經濟與其所在之生態環境構成一複雜系統,面對複雜系統背景下的環境資源質量課題,吾人宜解構原有且熟習之片面、線性的思維模式,重新建構強調整體性、非線性之系統思考的思維模式,從瞭解複雜系統的結構與型態上謀求解決策略。 基此,本文採用生物物理觀點中,強調自我組織系統的持續發展,應具備不斷自環境擷取低熵與消納高熵的能力,以維持系統本身處於低摘狀態的看法,研提環境資源質量改善策略原則,即「增加涵養容納能力」與「減輕環境壓力」二項策略;同時,本文採用較能落實系統思考之思維模式的質化模擬模型一感受性系統模型(Sensitivity Model) ,以其具有的「辨識」、「模擬」與「調控」功能,從中擇取較具槓桿效果之系統變數,再結合所研提之策略原則,組成五項調控方案,採情境分析方式進行個案地區中港溪水質水量改善之調控方案模擬。


The purpose of this study was to explore public perceptions and visual preferences for urban skyline. The operational variables are ”roof silhouette” and” variability of height” of high-rising. The environmental perceptions include four attributes: complexity, comfort, image and harmony. Fifteen black-white photos were simulated in the questionnaire survey to examine the hypotheses of this study. The results are summarized as follows: l.Different urban skylines significantly influence environmental perceptions and visual preference. 2.Variability of height, complexity, comfort, image and harmony significantly influence visual preference. 3. Personal characteristics influence visual preferences for some urban skylines. 4.Comfort, complexity, harmony and image are four significant attributes to predict public preferences for urban skylines.


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