  • 期刊


Urban Industrial Transformation and Policies in Response to Climate Change


臺灣為一海島型經濟國家,經濟發展高度仰賴對外貿易,掌握國際間氣候政策設計之方向與潮流將有利於提升國家整體競爭力。過去在因應溫室氣體減量之產業轉型政策設計上,慣以全島區域為範圍探討之,惟近年來有愈來愈多的證據及研究論點強調以都市作為規劃氣候變遷政策主體之重要性。本文獻回顧由學理及政策實作的觀點,探討目前都市因應氣候變遷的產業轉型政策相關文獻及政策發展趨勢,文中特別回顧「國際全球環境變遷人文面向科學計畫」(International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Enviromental Change, IHDP)中的「產業轉型科學計畫」(Industrial Transformation Science Plan),並根據現有文獻歸納造成都市產業低碳轉型之因素及可行的經濟政策工具,同時彙整目前全球都市因應氣候變遷之具體低碳轉型措施,最後提出臺灣未來相關研究方向及政策制定之建議。


Taiwan is an island that relies heavily on international trade. To enhance its competitiveness, it must be fully acquainted with global trends in the development of climate policies. Currently, transformation policies for industry in response to climate change in Taiwan are designed at the island level. However, the recent evidence and arguments emphasize the significance of climate policy at the city scale. This study analyzes scholarly research, policies, and practices related to urban industrial transformation in response to climate change. This first pays special attention to the Industrial Transformation Science Plan (IT Science Plan) in the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP). The factors and economic policy instruments that induce urban industrial transformation, as well as measures that move economies toward lowcarbon development, are analyzed, as are those adopted by cities worldwide. Finally, suggestions for future studies and policy designs are provided.


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