  • 期刊


Local Government Adjustments on the Secondary Disaster Rebuild Experiences after Catastrophic Impacts: A case study of Mianzhu and Beichuan, Mainland China


中國大陸自2008年汶川大地震後,各省以跨領域的行政結盟體系,透過援建政府與災區的「對口支援」力量完成重建規劃;然而,巨災衝擊的極重災區空間的快速演化過程,雖提振當地產業,但也說明中國大陸政府以「威權韌性」(authoritarian resilience)干預了當地原有的生活型態,帶來土地高承載(如,土地使用的農轉住商休閒小鎮經營型態⋯)等政策調適措施,帶來空間的社經脆弱度失衡現象。本研究認為此等機制,係因於巨災衝擊下的中國大陸不同空間層級政府的強權支配空間規劃性格,遂產生「明星災區」現象。此等論證即是個案所要表述的「二次災害」(secondary disasters)重建經驗,亦即,「綿竹市-新農村綜合體試 點區」與「北川縣-羌文化生態保護區」案例研究,發現其機制一方面涉及原址/異地的空間重建模式的差異化;另一方面也與重災區裡不同的少數民族(如羌族)及其空間特性(如:產業重建調適策略)有關。研究方法與目的在於,藉由對當地災區相關政策決策者與居民等利害關係者進行深入訪談,企圖探討與釐清:(1)援建政府對應震後災區大規模土石流災害的重建策略及其作為;(2)中國大陸中央政府威權下的災區空間危機初探及二次災害現象;(3)由現象論述中央政府因威權韌性的計畫指令特徵,顯示極重災區在強勢復原政策動員與出爐,雖有效率地從事災後復原,然也突顯二次災害的潛勢危害與空間風險。最後,我們將針對川震前/後中國大陸災害管理機制(包括吸收國外經驗後的演變),以及不同層級政府的重建作為,對比其調適策略及重建後的現象,以為日後空間專業提供更多實務或論述規劃。


After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, trans-borders' alliance of each province tried to use government power to complete a whole and advanced re-build program. Also, the transborders' alliance keeps doing support. The process showed that the disaster area develops rapidly could promote local industry. However, the process also showed how Chinese use government power to change original local lifestyle, and bringing land of high stress, weak social economy, and unbalanced policy, bring about the secondary disaster from Socio-economic impacts. According to the above, different levels of government used their authority to do the whole re-build disaster area. Often makes the disaster area subject to high concern. Therefore, this research discusses "Mianzhu-a spot of multiple new countryside" and "Beichuan County-Qiang Cultural Ecosystem Conservation area's" re-build model of original or different spot by the way of qualitative analysis. Moreover, it is concerned about different distinctive national features' space adaption and industrial transition. This study successively explored: (1) reconstruction of the government to deal with the reconstruction after the earthquake disaster massive mudslide character disasters; (2) preliminary secondary disasters, crisis and disaster risk space under the assumption that the central government authority; (3)discusses the phenomenon of how resistance to a tough authoritarian government leads to socio-economic transformation and grassroots structures (government / com-munity) to enhance resistance and tough, showing a strong policy disaster in the protection mechanism was more easily exposed to disaster risk. Our government could take the examples mentioned above as a warning. Especially when we face catastrophe that result of extremely changing weather, we should pay much attention to community basic resilience concept in order to adapt the strategy of re-build disaster area. At the end, we analyze the disaster management mechanism of mainland China (including the evolution of foreign experience) and the reconstruction of different levels of government before and after the Sichuan earthquake, and provides more discussion for the future reconstruction of spatial professionals in the future.


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