  • 期刊


Spatial Hedonic Quantile Durbin Model for Benefit Evaluation of Diversified Open Spaces in Urban Planning Division in Taoyuan City




This study constructed a spatial hedonic quantile Durbin regression model to analyze the benefit of diversified open spaces in urban planning division in Taoyuan city, which has had the highest net population increase in the past years. Six different open spaces are selected to reflect different functions: "urban park," "neighborhood park," "greenbelt," "square," "farmland," and "wetlands." In addition to the distance between housings and different types of open space and its corresponding area, different combinations of open spaces are also considered. The benefit of diversified open spaces is evaluated in terms of price differences of housings with different combinations of open spaces. The analytical results show that housing with the highest 95 quantile has more significant influence than other quantiles' of housings. As for the benefits for the diversified open spaces, if housing that is within 2 kilometers of open spaces of "neighborhood park-urban park-greenbelt-square-farmland-wetland" has the highest benefit for housing price in the 50th and 95th quantile. For housing price in the 5th quantile, the highest benefit is housing surrounded by combination of four types of open spaces: "urban park-greenbelt-square-farmland". The results clearly suggest that maintenance and enhancement of diversified open spaces is essential.


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