  • 期刊


System Dynamics Model for Simulating Urban Development in High-Speed Rail Station Area: A Hsinchu Case Study




The causes of High-speed rail (HSR) station area urban development has received extensive attention. Previous studies generally applied the econometric or spatial interaction models to examine the impact of HSR on urban development. However, from the perspective of system dynamics (SD), the city is a complex system comprising of sub-systems such as population, employment, housing and transportation, and those methods do not reflect the systematic interactions among variables. To fill this research gap, this study applies a system dynamics model to simulate urban development policy scenarios of HSR Hsinchu Station (Zhubei City, Hsinchu county), with the highest population growth rate in Taiwan's suburban HSR station areas. Several policy scenarios reveal three major findings: 1) employment opportunities in manufacturing and tertiary industries, HSR commuting affordability (from Zhubei to Taipei) , and Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) accessibility positively affect population and housing price; 2) housing price negatively feedbacks population growth, but has limited influence, and 3) managing the desired inventory coverage of housing and investment housing demand not only helps to reduce oversupplies of housing but also maintains housing prices and price-to-income ratios. In conclusion, this study recommends industry, transportation, housing aspect urban development strategies HSR station areas in similar locations of Taiwan.


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