  • 期刊


The Effects of R&D and Spillovers on the Domestic Sales Ratio-A Case Study of Manufacturing Firms Operating in China


本文使用中國製造業廠商資料,並採取分量迴歸法探究研發活動、研發外溢與內銷外溢對內銷比例之影響。本文發現,傳統文獻之主張「研發創新活動有助於廠商出口(Posner,1961;Vernon,1966;Barrios et al.,2003)」的論點,並不適用於在中國的製造商;相反的,廠商提高研發密度有助於提升其內銷比例,且此研發效果隨著內銷傾向之提高而遞減。此外,本文亦發現,研發外溢效果與內銷外溢效果皆為正,但中資企業在低內銷傾向時所擷取之外溢效果較外資企業為大;反之,外資企業則在中、高內銷傾向時擷取較大之外溢效果。


This paper studies how firms' R&D intensity and two types of spillovers, i.e. R&D spillovers and domestic sales spillovers, affect their domestic sales ratios (the proportion of goods sold domestically). By using survey data of manufacturing firms in China for the period 2001-2006 and applying the quantile regression, we show that R&D intensity has a positive effect on the domestic sales ratio, and the effect declines as the quantile of the domestic sales ratio increases. This is in contrast to traditional wisdom, in which R&D intensity tends to increase export intensity (e.g. Posner, 1961; Vernon, 1966; Barrios et al., 2003). In addition, we show that R&D spillovers and domestic sales spillovers are positive for both local and foreign firms, but their effects vary with quantiles.


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