  • 期刊


The Relationship between Uncertainty, Collaboration and Management Control System




Uncertainty and collaboration are critical contingent factors in the manufacturing industry. These two factors induce the manufacturers' demand for management control systems (MCSs), obtaining information to avoid the loss due to improper control. Based on the contingency theory, this study examines how environmental uncertainty and collaboration make firms use MCSs and then affect their performance. This study collected both qualitative and quantitative data via questionnaire and semi-structure interviews. The survey was conducted among the 1,000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan listed on Common Wealth Magazine. In this paper, we have identified firm-specific and supply market uncertainty as the two most important risks in today's manufacturing industry. The use of MCSs is investigated using two dimensions. One is basic MCS and the other is strategic performance measurement systems (SPMSs). The basic MCS is used to collect information for planning and establishing basic operations. A SPMS links the strategy of the firm to performance measures and provide information regarding various elements along the value chain. The results suggest that the supply market uncertainty and the level of collaboration both have indirect effect on firm performance with the use of basic MCS. However, the level of collaboration is found to be the only factor having an indirect effect on firm performance through the use of SPMSs. Only firm-specific uncertainty is not significantly associated with the use of MCSs.


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