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Public Attitudes toward Marriage Migrants in Taiwan: The Ten-Year Change, 2004-2014




This study finds that Taiwanese citizens have become more accepting of marriage immigrants between 2004 and 2014, and that the acceptance of Southeast Asian female spouses was higher than that of Mainland Chinese female spouses. In terms of factors affecting public attitudes toward immigration policies, socio-economic status, ethnicity, and political party support have all maintained a significant influence during those ten years. While in 2004, native Taiwanese (relative to Mainlanders) and pan-green supporters (relative to pan-blue supporters) showed less support for Southeast Asian female spouses' acquisition of citizenship, in 2014, there was no significant difference between the attitudes of native Taiwanese and Mainlanders or pan-green and pan-blue supporters. By 2014, men had become more accepting of marriage immigrants than women, while rural residents became the most accepting. The mechanisms affecting people's attitudes towards immigrants are mainly based on political party support, values, economic rationale, and social contacts.


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