  • 期刊


The Commencement of Utilitarianism: A Study of Bentham's Political Thought




This article focuses on the three main objects criticized in Bentham's political thought, including ipsedixitism in moral philosophy, the sinister interests in political and legal systems, and the original contract theory in political philosophy, by introducing their defects in Bentham's view and the solutions Bentham proposed. For Bentham, what connects these phenomena is that the lawyers, the judges, the nobles, the opulent, and the officials, all of them represented the upper middle class and preserved their own interests at the cost of public interests. They monopolized the right of discourse in legal and political systems and in the forums. By doing so they not only marginalized the interests and opinions of the public, but also rejected the fulfillment of public welfare signified by the principle of utility. The main concern of Bentham's political thought was motivated by his critical reflection on these phenomena.


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