  • 期刊


Intermediaries and Interventions of NGOs in the Cold War: Southeast Asian Culture Propaganda of CFA and TAF (1951-1959)




This article explores the multiple aspects of the power operation of the Committee for a Free Asia (CFA) and the Asian Foundation (TAF) in the Southeast Asian cultural propaganda field during the Cold War from the perspective of power intermediaries. Non-governmental organizations during the Cold War connected the United States officials and overseas Chinese, and because of their negotiating position, made them try to balance the conflicts between political interests and internal values. This study argues that NGOs gradually changed their roles from sponsors of funds and facilitators to interventionists. NGOs are active participants, acting as value defenders of freedom and advocacy network builders. Second, NGOs have gradually become the subject of action, developing their own propaganda concepts and strategies. Finally, NGOs mediate the propaganda goals of the U.S. to the actors in Hong Kong, disseminate their information to Southeast Asia and form a transnational hierarchical intermediary.


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