  • 期刊


The Theoretical Concept of Super-Diversity and Research Implications


超級多樣性可謂是近十年來歐洲社會科學與移民研究領域中最重要的理論概念之一。根據超級多樣性理論概念提出者Steven Vertovec的定義,所謂的超級多樣性意旨為:隨著大量國際移民與非本地出生人口移入的情況下,所造成不同地區人口組成與結構之改變,以及奠基於此人口結構與特徵改變下所產生的各種挑戰與新興之公共、社會相關研究議題。另外,截至2018年為止,已有超過300多篇的英文期刊論文運用此一概念進行國際遷徙、移民研究與城市人口議題等相關領域的探討。然而,面對此一理論概念在歐洲和英文學術發表的快速發展;相對下,中文期刊方面針對此一理論概念的系統性梳理與討論則較為缺乏,另外,到目前為止,針對超級多樣性理論概念所進行的探討在臺灣則尚未可見。為了補足上述研究之不足,研究者欲透過此一研究紀要,系統性地梳理超級多樣性之理論概念並探討其所開展的相關研究議題。研究者亦會進一步地針對歐洲超級多樣性社會發展可能對於當前社會科學和移民研究領域之相關理論和研究方法所產生的啟示與挑戰進行系統性的梳理與討論。研究者期待透過本文之研究紀要,提供中文讀者對於此一理論概念的認識,亦提供未來相關研究參考之基礎。


Super-diversity is one of the most vital theoretical concepts in the European social science disciplines and migration studies literature in the past decade. According to the definition by concept initiator Steven Vertovec, super-diversity refers to the new challenges and research implications since the massive flow of international migrant populations to European countries and cities. So far, there are more than 300 English journal article publications utilizing the super-diversity concept to conduct social science and migration-related research. However, there are no Chinese-language journal articles systematically conducting such research and discussing this new research theory concept. In order to fill the research gap, the present study discusses this new theoretical concept and the research implications. In this regard, the study focuses on the discussions of the challenges and implications of the super-diversity concept for the theories of assimilation and cultural integration in the social science and migration studies literature. Moreover, the author also discusses the challenges of the super-diversity concept with regard to research design and clarification of methodological issues.


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