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Happiness, Self-Conception, and College Majors: Effects on Occupational Status and Income Among Young Adults in Taiwan




This study investigates the status attainment of young adults in Taiwan by analyzing the panel data from the Taiwan Youth Project. Three hypotheses about happiness, self-evaluation, and college type and major are tested with linear growth modeling. Estimation results show that an individual's income and socioeconomic status are not related to happiness at earlier phases, but are slightly influenced by self-evaluation among those whose self-efficacy has increased over time after entering the labor market. In comparison, education demonstrates a substantial influence. Graduates from competitive public or comprehensive universities earn better income and achieve higher socioeconomic status than their counterparts from private ones and colleges of technology. Having a degree in science-technology, or in life science and medicine also boosts income and socioeconomic status during the phase of early adulthood. It is found that the influence of happiness and self-efficacy is transient for job performance, while education generates an enduring effect for young adults in their pursuit of positions in a system of social stratification which has effectively maintained inequality, despite the increasing availability of college education.


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