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Reform of the UN Security Council: Challenges and Prospects


本文探討改革聯合國安全理事會所面臨之挑戰及前景,並分析五個常任理事國對改革安理會之立場。聯合國是世界上最重要的國際政治組織,但是它在維持國際和平上的成效卻一直受到批評,要求改革的聲音持續不斷。進入後冷戰時期之後,要求改革聯合國的運動獲得新的動能。 改革安理會是改革聯合國能否成功的關鍵,因爲安理會是聯合國最重要及權力最大的機構。各界對安理會的批評主要有三點:(1)安理會的會員結構沒有反應聯合國會結構,發展中國家的代表性偏低,非洲及拉丁美洲均沒有常任理事國;(2)五個常任理事國享有否決權,而且經常濫用否決權;(3)安理會的決策效率低且不透明。安理會業已就透明化和提高效率等問題做了一些改革,但是對如何擴大安理會的改革卻一直缺乏進展。 此外,不少會員國主張取消常任理事國否決權之特權,然而因爲修改聯合國憲章需要所有常任理事國之同意,而常任理事國不會同意取消否決權,因此取消否決權之目標絕不可能達成,有一些國家乃朝限制使用否決權的方向努力,但是同樣高度困難。 雖然幾乎所有的國家均同意改革安理會的必要性,但是改革安理會涉及南-北衝突、國際體系權力如何重新分配的問題,由於每一個國家均基於各自利益考量,他們對調整安理會組織結構,尤其是如何增加新常任理事國,一直缺乏共識,因此短期的未來,成功改革安理會、擴大安理會的可能性不容樂觀。


聯合國 安理會 改革 否決權


This article looks at United Nations Security Council reform and analyzes the positions of the five permanent members (P5), namely the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China, toward Security Council reform. Although the United Nations is the most important international political organization of its kind, its achievements in maintaining peace have been widely criticized, and voices calling for reform have never ceased to be heard. Indeed, since the end of the Cold War in 1989 demands for reform have gained new momentum. Reforming the Security Council is key to successful reform of the United Nations, as the Security Council is the most powerful organization within the UN. Criticism of the Security Council centres on the following three issues: (1) Security Council membership does not reflect today’s world; developing countries are underrepresented, and there are no permanent members from either Africa or Latin America; (2) five permanent members enjoy veto power and frequently abuse their privileges; and (3) there is a lack of transparency and efficiency in the Security Council's decision-making process. Although the Security Council has improved its decision-making, transparency, and efficiency over the past decade, there has been no progress on the enlargement of the Security Council. Many UN member states would also like to cancel the P5's veto power, but they realize that this is a mission impossible, because the P5, which can veto the UN Charter amendment, will not agree to give up their veto power. Therefore, some countries concede, and have asked for restriction of the use of veto power by the P5. It is still highly difficult to achieve this goal. Almost all of the UN members agree that it is necessary to reform the Security Council. However this issue touches not only on the North-South conflict, but also on the redistribution of power in the world. Every country bases its actions on its national interests. There has been no consensus reached among UN members, including the P5, on how to adjust the Security Council's structure, and in particular, on how to increase the number of new permanent members. Thus it would be optimistic to assume that the Security Council can be enlarged in the near future.


United Nations Security Council Reform Veto




