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The New Theory of State of Guanzi: The Social Ontology of Power Concentration




《管子》 國家 權力 社會本體


This essay focuses on state transformation from the Three Dynasties Period to the period of Spring and Autumn and the Warring States. Namely, as the state had transitioned from its embryonic form to the Junxian (郡縣) system, its conceptualization varied from that of a loose organization to a powerful apparatus in which its centralized, legitimized and widespread power was able to interfere the private lives of its subjects. This essay argues that by looking at concepts originating from Yin (因), Guanzi (管子) had addressed the growing tension between the individual and the state. This paper first elaborates on the structural transformation of the state, then on the characteristics, the nature, and the content of the book. This paper demonstrates the state theory in Guanzi, which benefited from the extent findings of the Chinese early state in the field of history and from the perspectives of "intellectual history" and "dialogue". There are two premises: one on the social or individual, the other on the ruler. The former focuses on the interests concerned in human nature, and the latter focuses on the concepts of Yīnshùn (因順), Yīnxún (因循) and Wúwéi zhī zhì (無為之治). Finally, this paper illuminates the concept of ontology found in Guanzi.


Guanzi States Power Social Ontology


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