  • 期刊

Indigenizing Diaspora: Anita Endrezze's Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon




本論文以當代離散論述分析美國原住民雅葵族作家安綴姿(Anita Endrezze)回憶錄《擲火向陽、擲水朝月》(Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon),將「離散」與「原住民性」(indigeneity)兩個看似牴觸的概念並置,藉由北美原住民離散經驗再現,檢視兩者依違辯證的關係,目的有二:其一,以近五百年的美洲原住民部落流離史即是原住民被迫面對土地錯置的離散歷史,重新審視「離散」此一歷史化名詞,期盼爲離散論述開展新的視野,生產超越理論典範的異質性;其二,以原住民族與土地根深蒂固的傳承,視「離散」爲種子的撒播(dissemination),融合原住民部落的生命情懷與宇宙/地域的觀照,爲離散的悲苦,構築認同的出口。


This essay connects two concepts that are often used as if they were necessarily antagonistic and antithetical to one another: indigenous and diaspora. While diaspora scholarship marginalizes the Natives, I aim to resituate the figure of the Native to the core of diasporic discussion by tracing the movement, migration, or scattering of the Native people away from their established or ancestral homeland. Drawing on Anita Endrezze's provocative life narrative in Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon, I question the master narrative regarding the diasporas: By telling her personal life story, Endrezze chronicles Yaquí diasporic journeys, dispossessed and displaced by waves of militarism and nation building, confined into physical, racial, and economic spaces, all of which are contested terrains for those who were born in indigenous communities in the Mexico-U.S. borderlands. How to characterize the diasporic experiences of the indigenous people across borders? How to explore indigeneity and diaspora as a continuum? How does gender matter in the formation of a diasporic/indigenous subject? How does Native American cultural history and tribal memory work to indigenize diaspora, to make up for the enormous lack in the archives of diasporic scholarship?


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