  • 期刊

Language in Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Greene's A Burnt-Out-Case





互文性 寫實主義 現代主義 隱喻 轉喻


Joseph Conrad was one of the three modern writers whom Graham Greene revered. By the time Greene started writing fiction in the late 1920s, he had been acquainted with Conrad's main works. However, if Conrad's integrity as a writer won the attention of both the reading public and many reviewers, the positive response that welcomed Greene's first published novel, The Man Within (1929), almost died out with the novels that came next, The Name of Action (1930) and Rumour at Nightfall (1931). Greene himself attributed the failure of these novels to Conrad's ”too great and too disastrous influence.” He thus vowed never again to read a novel by Conrad. However, Greene did not succeed in writing off the ghost of Conrad.A study of his mature work reveals Greene still caught in the Conradian web. Conrad's ”heavy and hypnotic style” is still an important influence in A Burnt-Out Case (1960). In this essay, I shall attempt a comparison between Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) and Greene's aforementioned novel to see what array of stylistic devices Greene uses in the wake of Conrad and verify if the borrowings from the Polish writer undermine Greene's writings in any way.


Intertextuality Realism Modernism Metaphor Metonymy
