  • 期刊

Ecological Time in Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind



Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind depicts two ways for humans to relate to nature and time. Nausicaä, princess of the Valley of the Wind and the film's protagonist, is initiated into ecological time and becomes the saviour of the world because of her sympathy, empathy, and love for others, including the Ohms- giant insects. On the other hand, Kushana, the princess of Tolmekia, after losing one arm to the giant insects, is determined to use weapons and the remaining Giant Warrior to save/control the world. She treats both the Ohms and their realm, the Sea of Decay, as enemies; she tries to destroy them for the sake of human beings. Locked into the temporality of her technological world, Kushana sees only practical connections; for example, she is influenced by the practical uses of technology and so she uses the Giant Warrior to conquer nature, rather than following the rhythm of nature. These differences point to two kinds of worldviews embodied by Nausicaä and Kushana, respectively. My paper attempts to explore how Nausicaä's active waiting establishes a new symbiotic relationship with the Ohms and their lands, the Sea of Decay, and also allows her to embody the ancient prophecy by incorporating it into the present fate of the world to trigger a new future. I turn to Deleuze's philosophy of time to help explain how Nausicaä's mode of repetition and waiting initiates her into ecological time, how the film provides lessons on preventing the tyranny of doomed repetition and not falling into the trap of the foreseeable future. The paper also uses Deleuze's theory to explain how Miyazaki creates a new human-nonhuman relationship. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind reflects our bleak situations, continuously damaged by military and ecological cataclysms, and shows us how to remedy the destroyed human-nonhuman relationship. Nausicaä's jump into ecological time and symbiotic relationship with other beings demonstrate that it is possible to avoid replicating Kushana's competitive and technological way of life and to coexist with different beings, a new ecological strategy.




宮崎駿 德勒茲 柏格森 生態時間 虛擬過去 永恆回歸 重複 差異


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