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Studies on Harvesting Time and It's Degreening and Storage of Kumquat Fruit (Fortunella Margerita (L.) Swingle)


經調查蘭陽地區週年金柑開花及結果習性,可明顯區分成三個主要開花期,第一期花於6月上旬開始,於10月下旬達6分熟需99∼120 天,自著果至發育成熟所需之積熱單位為1179.9~1348.6℃-天;第二期花於6月中旬開始,於11月中旬達6分熟需101~124天,自著果至發育成熟所需之積熱單位為1188.4~1351.6℃-天;第三期花於7月上旬開始,於12月中旬至翌年元月中旬達6分熟需131~133天,自著果至發育成熟所需之積熱單位為1173.7~1188.7℃-天;早期開花結果粒小,品質較差,而以第三期花之果實品質最佳。因此依據金柑不同成熟階段,採收屬於第三期花之6~7分成熟果實及7~8分成熟果實,進行催色處理。利用乙烯發生器,在恆溫庫中以自動控制定時器間斷控制乙烯釋出時間,每35~60秒之間釋放1次,濃度1200ppm,催色溫度維持在26℃~27℃之間。6~7分成色果實經70小時可達完全催色效果,7~8分成熟果實僅需39小時,即可達到催色理想階段。6~7分及7~8分熟果實催色與不催色貯藏於5℃、10℃、15℃及室溫下,探討不同溫度貯藏期間之腐爛率,6~7分熟果實催色後貯藏於室溫下3週後腐爛率為83.7%最高,而以5℃貯藏3週後腐爛率23.7%最低。7~8分熟果實催色後貯藏於室溫下3週後腐爛率為60.5%最高,而以5℃及10℃貯藏3週後腐爛率分別為17.4%及32.9%最低。而未催色者以6~7分熟果實比7~8分熟果實耐貯能力強。


金柑 採收適期 成熟度 催色 貯藏


From survey of reproductive growth and flowering habits of Kumquat around the year, there are three flowering periods, the first flowering date is from June early decade to October late decade; the second flowering date is from June middle decade to November middle decade; the third flowering date is from July early decade to December or January middle decade. When the fruit maturity indices near 60%, they needed 99~120 days or 101∼124 days or 131∼133 days to grow up among three flowering period, individually. The latest flowering date had the best fruit quality than others. The fruit set to maturity need days for summation of heat units was 1179.9-1348.6℃- day, 1188.4-1351.6 ℃-day and 1173.7-1188.7℃-day respectively. So, we collected the third flowering period's fruit about 60∼70% and 70∼80% maturity indices treated by 1200 ppm ethylene, 35∼60 seconds intervals released once, degreening temperature also maintained 26∼ 27℃. To complete degreening effect, the timing of 60∼70% maturity indices fruit needed 70 hours to degreening, 70∼80% fruit just needed 39 hours. To investigate the rotten percentage among different storage temperature, we found that storage at room temperature about 3 weeks had higer rotten percentage about 83.7% and 60.5% individually by 60∼70% and 70∼80% maturity indices fruits, Then, storage at 5℃about 3 weeks had lower rotten percentage about 23.7% and 17.4%, individually.


Kumquat Harvesting time Maturity indices Degreening storage


葉侑橋(2015)。採收期與疏花對金柑(Fortunella spp.)開花與果實生育之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.01427
郭怡伶(2014)。溫度對長實金柑( Fortunella margarita Swingle )生長發育之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.01893
