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Effects of Different Nitrogen Forms on the Growth of Heading Vegetables


為探討不同型態之氮肥對宜蘭地區高冷地結球白菜【Brassica campestris L.(Pekinesis group)】與甘藍【Brassica oleracea L.(Capitata group)】生育及產量之影響,及種植前後土壤有機質與pH值之變化,尤其對葉片硝酸態氮含量多寡之影響。本場於83年秋作至85年春作進行試驗。土壤pH值之變化以施用高銨態氮(NH4^+-N)處理(結球白菜300kg/ha、甘藍350kg/ha)下降較大,此可能因土壤中NH4^+-N 較多,當作物吸收NH4^+-N 後與H+交換,致使pH值下降。就葉片中硝酸態氮含量之變化,春作較秋作為高,而處理間以施用高銨態氮含量較高,其中結球白菜含量較適宜,甘藍則有偏高之趨勢。對產量而言,亦以施用高氮處理產量較高,此與植體中硝酸態氮之含量呈顯著相關,唯需考慮其負面之影響。綜合上述結果,結球白菜以低氮處理(銨態氮200kg/ha)尚可維持產量及收益,且植體中硝酸態氮含量亦低,可安全食用。甘藍之高氮處理(銨態氮350kg/ha),雖有利於產量,但宜小心。


The basic objectives of this study ( from fall crop, 1994 to spring crop, 1996. ) were to evaluate the effects of different nitrogen form ( NH4^(+)-N and NO3^(-)-N ) on the growth of Chinese cabbage 【Brassica campestris L. ( Pekinesis group )】and cabbage【Brassica oleracea L. (Capitata group )】, changes of pH value and organic matter contents in soil. The nitrate content in fresh plant were also examined.The results showed that the pH value of soil decreased with higher NH4^(+)-N ( 300 and 350 kg/ha for Chinese cabbage and Cabbage, respectively ) application. The nitrate contents of Spring crop season plants was higher than that of fall crop season plants. In Chinese cabbage, the nitrate contents are generally lower, especially at fall crop. Significant correlation existed between the yield and nitrate content in the plant of both crops. Resulte appeared that the yield and profit was maintaind with lower NH4^(+)-N ( 200 kg/ha ) application on chinese cabbage. The higher NH4^(+)-N application ( 350 kg/ha ) should be used with precaution, although it might increase cabbage yield.
