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Inheritance of the Pod Reticulation and Number of Kernels Per Pod in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)


莢果網紋及每莢粒數為落花生重要的農藝性狀,本研究之目的在了解落花生之莢果網紋及每莢粒數之遺傳,藉以提供雜交育種時之參考。本研究以台南12號及EG PN-18等2品種(系)為材料,進行莢果網紋及每莢粒數的遺傳分析,結果顯示以淺網紋的台南12號和深網紋的EG PN-18為親本進行正反交,其F(下標1)世代不論正反交莢果網紋均表現介於兩親之間的中網紋,而F(下標2)世代之表現型亦均呈現1淺網紋:2中網紋:1深網紋之分離比,由此推測,莢果網紋之遺傳係受單一不完全顯性基因之控制;再經後裔檢定及測交試驗均符合上述假定。每莢粒數的遺傳係以2粒莢的台南12號和3-4粒莢之EG PN-18為親本進行正反交,其F(下標1)世代的單株不論正反交,均以2粒莢為最多數,F(下標2)世代的單株則均呈15(2粒莢):1(3粒莢)之分離比。再者,以正反交F(下標2)世代的2粒莢單株繁殖成之F(下標3)世代後裔系統,呈現7不分離:8分離之分離比,而F(下標2)世代的3粒莢單株繁殖成之F(下標3)世代後裔系統則均無分離之表現。因此,推測每莢粒數係受非等位重複基因所控制。


落花生 莢果網紋 每莢粒數 遺傳


The pod reticulation and number of kernels per pod are important agronomic characters of peanut. To study the inheritance of these characters in peanut, TN12 and EG PN-18 were used as materials. Results were summarized as follows:1. The reciprocal crosses of TN12 with slight reticulation of pod and EG PN-18 with prominent reticulation were made. The F1 of reciprocal crosses showed moderate reticulation. The segregated ratio of F2 generation was 1 slight : 2 moderate : 1 prominent. As the results of progeny test and testcross, it was suggested that the inheritance of reticulation is controlled by a single and incomplete dominant gene.2. The reciprocal crosses of TN12 with 2-kernel and EG PN-18 with 3- or 4-kernel were made. Most of the F1 showed the character of 2-kernel. The segregated ratio of F2 was 15 (2-kernel) : 1 (3-kernel). The segregated ratio of F3 from F2 of 2-kernel was 7 (nonsegregated) : 8 (segregated). However the F3 from F2 of 3-kernel showed no segregation. It was indicated that the character of number of kernels per pod was controlled by duplicate genes.
