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榮民總醫院放射線部自1975年1月至1976年1月曾為37位病人做腎臟斷層切片攝影術,病人年齡自15月至78歲。攝影的方法是將病人平臥在攝影台上,在前臂靜脈點滴注射76% Urografin 180ml和5%葡萄糖50ml的混合液,開始注射時速度較快,約在5分鐘內注射115ml,隨後注射速度減半,此時以敏捷的速度,對腎臟所佔據的空間每1cm作一連串的斷層切片攝影,攝影所用電壓約70-7SKVP,X光球管移動角度約25°。所有37例病人攝影的結果,X光判讀為腎囊腫者11例(單一性9例,多發性2例),其中3例作囊腫穿刺,證實為腎囊腫。X光判讀為腎膿瘍者4例,其中2例接受手術,1例作穿刺,均證實為腎膿瘍。X光判讀為腎腫瘤者3例,3例皆接受手術其病理結果與X光診斷相同。37例病人中祇有一例發生蕁麻疹。腎臟斷層切片攝影是一種安全、簡單及實用的上泌尿系統的檢查方法,而對於腎囊腫及腎癌的鑑別診斷效果甚佳。




This report summarized our experience with 37 consecutive nephrotomographic studies from January 1975 to January 1976 in the Department of Radiology, Veterans General Hospital. The age of patients varied from 15 months to 78 years old. The procedures can be mentioned briefly: Patient is put in supine position, then drip infusion of the mixed solution of 180 ml 76% Urografin and 50ml 5% glucose water into the patient's ante-cubital vein is performed. Initially, the speed of the drip infusion is faster, 115 nil mixed solution is injected within 5 minutes. Then infusion is given by half of the initial speed. At this time, nephrotomography is performed as quick as possible with linear movement of the X-ray tube, the radiographic level moves 1 cm per film. The voltage is 70-75 Kvp, and the arc movement of the x-ray tube is 25°-30°. The result of 37 nephrotomographic studies were as follows: (1) Renal cyst: 11 cases, 3 cases were proved by cystic puncture. (2) Renal abscess: 4 cases, 2 cases were proved by operation and 1 case was proved by puncture. (3) Renal tumor: 3 cases, all were proved by operation and tissue pathology. (4) Eight cases diagnosed as normal. (5) Eleven cases diagnosed as miscellaneous non-surgical diseases. This examination could be performed routinely in out-patients, no serious complications or reactions was encountered except one patient who developed self-limited urticaria. Nephrotomography is a safe, simple and practical method of studying the upper part of the urinary tract, the character of a renal mass may now be identified with reasonable exactness. It is particular useful in the study of old, weak or poor-risk patients in whom demonstration of a renal cyst would prevent an operation.



