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Sodium Fluoride Protection against Post Irradiation Dental Caries


榮民總醫院牙科自1977年7月1日至1977年12月31日止,共有42位接受放射線治療鼻咽癌病人,來牙科接受齲齒的預防治療。年齡自17歲至65歲,平均年齡為44.9歲,42位病人中,17位病人予以塗氟並加以口腔衛生照顧,16位病人只注重口腔衛生,另有9位不合作的病人不塗氟也不注重口腔衛生,經過9個月時間,發現那些不注重口腔衛生者,其DMFT增加9, DMFS增加9.5,而塗氟並加以口腔衛生照顧的病人,其DMFT增加0.7, DMFS增加0.9,只注重口腔衛生的病人DMFT增加1.5, DMFS增加1.1,以後兩組的病人比較,DMFT和DMFS其增加率在統計上並無明顯的差異。由此看來,注重口腔衛生者無論塗氟或不塗氟其齲齒發生率均大幅地減低。




There were 42 patients of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, who were treated with radiation, in the Cancer Theraphy Center, Veterans General Hospital from July 1, 1977 to Dec.31, 1977, referred to our dental section for preventing, post irradiation dental caries, the age ranged from 17 to 65 years old with a mean value of 44.9. Among these 42 patients, 17 were taught to clean their teeth by standard method and to rinse with water per hour except in the night time and applied sodium fluoride gel; 16 patients perform the same procedure with no fluoride gel application, 9 uncooperative patients which neither applied fluoride gel nor kept oral hygiene. It had been observed for 9 months with the result that in uncooperative patients, the DMFT (Decay, Missing, Filling of Teeth) and DMFS (Decay, Missing, Filling of surfaces) increased to 9 and 9.5, respectively in patients applied no fluoride gel, but kept ora1hygiene, their DMFT and DMFS increased 1.1 and 1.5 respectively, in patients who kept oral hygiene as well as applied fluoride gel, their DMFT and DMFS increase 0.7 and 0.9 only. It was concluded that when patients neither applied fluoride gel nor kept oral hygiene the dental caries were significantly increased. The additional benefit of fluoride gel application had not been showed in this small series of study.




Chang, C. C. (2007). 陣列式表面電漿共振於病毒檢測之最佳化開發 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.02738
