

外傷性橫膈疝氣Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia通常源自胸腹部的鈍傷或子彈銳器的穿透傷,好發於左側橫膈,常合併有其它器官的外傷性傷害,傷後至發生疝氣的時間不定。在診斷上,放射線學有其特殊表徵,胸部常規攝影可見異常昇高的橫膈,蹤膈腔移位,或充氣的臟器位於橫臟面的上方。鋇劑吞服或灌腸檢查更能精確的診斷出疝脫的器官,以及是否發生阻塞obstruction或絞窄Strangulation壽併發症。從事臨壯工作者,只要心存警惕,即可早期正確診斷,迅速治療,以防止嚴重併發症的發生。如早期手衛,預後良好。 三軍總醫院自民國六十六年迄今,因外傷引起橫膈疝氣,經施行手術證實者,共計十例,本文僅就此十例按其發生原因,部位、疝脫的器官,放射線學上的發現做一分析並討論之。




From 1977 to 1981, there are 10 cases of traumatic disaphragmatic hernia collected in our hospital. All the cases are proved by surgical operation. Among these, nine cases occurred in left side and only one case in the right. The causes of trauma include car or falling down accident and gushot or stabbing injury. Half of the cases are due to car accident. They always suffered with other injuries like skeletal fracture, splenic rupture or head injury. One case was complicated with strangulation of stomach and followed by perforation of the herniated portion. All the cases were diagnosed correctly before operation by roentgenologic examination. Roentgenologic examination not only can correctly disagnose the hernia but even the herniated organ. It should be performed in every case if patient's symptoms or history suggest the possibility of injury to the diaphragm. Failure to recognize this condition can lead to severe complication or fatal consequence.




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